TRIGGER DAYBREAK INTERLUDE full mv + new in-game releases round-up


Yay yay yay! It's finally out! 
Hot on the heels of today's fan event, fans finally get to enjoy TRIGGER's latest song in full!
A collaboration with renowned animation house bones, I have been looking forward to their take on TRIGGER! Especially after RESTART POINTER by 神風動画 (Kamikaze Douga) was so darned pretty. The preview initially released a few weeks back promised dramatic tension, dance choreography and melancholic scenes (with moody abandoned throne!!). Also with a famous producer/ composer on board, we were really expecting one of the best releases to come.

The opening has the trio setting up for a guerrilla live right in the middle of the shopping district! I wish this was real... (Kaoru weeping in the corner is totally me please, and bonus Riku under the umbrella watching *clutches heart)

Kakkoi!! No complaints about the dancing - equal parts cool, sleek and (dare I say this) sexy! The military style costumes are so much love - those capes swishing around~ The dance break solos are quite the treat - I will like to see cosplayers try them out! I love how they keep selling Ryuu as the eroero beast and Gaku's all pretty and cool moves. But the Tenn keeps breaking out the S line moves (kill me) 骚死了. Pardon this 姐姐.

Song-wise I can't say I'm impressed. To be honest I'm a little let down. The beginning started of strong with strong beats and a really punchy introduction, but the rest of it is not memorable nor catchy and sort of flattens out.. I dont feel that they have captured the dynamism of TRIGGER, nor used the trio's talents to half their potential. Halfway through I found myself just watching the pretty and the music just kinda fades into the background. The other recent in-game new releases have been so so much better!

Negai ha Shine on The Sea

First properly heard this during the most recent bingo event - lovelovelove! It feels like your typical TRIGGER release, powerful, strong beats, boomboomboom. Catchy as heck and set in a lower register, listening to the Ryuu's solo version reminds me that this one really belongs to the adults - Ryuu and Gaku holding fort.

In the meantime 

INSTANT LOVE <3 the max gushy kind! 泪崩泪崩泪崩! Urgh the solos are so so beautiful! This, my friends, is how you showcase each of them..  They start off individually softly as they slowly build up the pace and the layers, with Ryuu/ Satou Takuya in his earthy tones, Gaku/ Hatano Wataru working the bass lines, Tenn/ Saitou Souma unleashing that clean high tone floating above the rest.. Plus, after that first listen, I'm already humming "in the meantime, in the meantime..". This one is the definite win (for now at least!)

With all these releases, I'm really looking forward to the TRIGGER album release coming up soon! Such a weak spot for these three - I can't wait to hear the new solo songs from each of them!
